Contact Us

2253 Sarasota Center Boulevard
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 379-i2SL (4275)
(941) 378-i2SL (4275)

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Licensed & Insured

Private Investigation Agency
FL. Lic. # A-1300038
Security Agency
FL. Lic. # B-1300223

DUNS # 07888741
SAM / CAGE # 6Y3Y2

i2SL Who We Are

i2SL principals and associates are retired federal law enforcement agents and related professionals who served with the
United States Departments of Justice, Treasury, Homeland Security and Defense over the past twenty-five years.

Rod Huff recently retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation after nearly 25 years of service -
23 years in the Tampa Division, Sarasota Resident Agency, and most recently detailed from FBI Headquarters to the
United States Department of Defense, Southern Command, Joint Interagency Task Force South, in Key West.

Jeff Adams retired in 2009 after serving almost 25 years with the State of Florida Marine Patrol, the United States Customs Service and the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
After leaving United States Government service, Jeff served for one year in Operation Iraqi Freedom as a contractor working with some of our nation's finest US Army warriors. When he returned in 2010, the FBI contracted Jeff
to consult on special projects and served in that capacity until earlier this year.

During our federal law enforcement careers, we successfully conducted and directed hundreds of investigations across a broad spectrum of criminality, from transnational organized crime to drug trafficking, violent crime, human trafficking, public corruption and all manners of fraud. Our investigations and operations targeted some of the world's most sophisticated and violent criminal enterprises, and led to the dismantlement of many of those criminal enterprises through complex federal prosecutions and related litigation.

In those investigations, we recognized the value of identifying, locating and seizing the illicit profits of our subjects - hundreds of millions of dollars - thereby denying those subjects the means to re-establish their criminal enterprises. One notable investigation in this regard,
documented in the public domain, was US v. Valencia-Trujillo, 573 F.3d 1171 (11th Cir. 2009).

We supported numerous national security investigations including, most importantly,
the investigation of the attacks on our Nation on September 11, 2001.

In Central and South America, we conceived, designed and, for more than a decade, operated highly effective human intelligence operations
targeting transnational organized crime. We founded a national Department of Justice Strike Force that brought together the law enforcement, intelligence and defense communities to attack transnational criminal enterprises sending industrial sized shipments of illegal drugs - primarily cocaine - to the United States. Since its inception, that operation resulted in the seizure or destruction of more than 750 tons of cocaine, worth more than $10 billion dollars, and the prosecutions of more than 1500 subjects - from maritime smugglers to the leaders of infamous transnational criminal enterprises.

Throughout our careers, we acquired and maintained expertise in the many tools of our trade including: complex investigations and operations planning and management; subject, witness and victim identification and interviews; forensic evidence collection and analysis; physical and electronic surveillance; arrest planning and execution; federal prosecution and litigation support including pre-trial and trial testimony; human source development and management; remote human intelligence collection and management; remote technical sensing and imaging; geo-physical intelligence collection and exploitation; physical site security assessments and management; personnel security and recovery planning; tactical deployment of specialized teams; continuity of operations planning and management; and, most importantly, training, mentoring and leading personnel
entrusted to us and our former teams.

We cite our skills and experiences above only to demonstrate that we are prepared to serve our clients and
protect their interests at the highest level of competence.

Education, Qualifications & Employment Histories

Rodrick D. Huff

An Integrated Investigations Security and Logistics Firm
2253 Sarasota Center Boulevard
Sarasota, Florida 34240

(941) 379-4275 Office
(941) 378-4275 Facsimile
(941) 894-5400 Cellular

Rod was born and raised in Waterville, Ohio, a small farm town outside
Toledo, Ohio.

1978 Graduated Whitmer High School, Toledo, Ohio
1982 University of Toledo, B.A., Political Science with High Honors
1986 University of Toledo College of Law, J.D. with Honors

1980 - 1981
United States Air Force
Basic Training, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
USAF Security Police Academy - Distinguished Honor Graduate

1981 - 1986
Ohio Air National Guard, Toledo, Ohio
180th Tactical Fighter Group
Security Specialist & Air Base Ground Defense Airman
Honorable Discharge

1981 - 1985
NBC Affiliate WTVG 13, Toledo, Ohio
Electronics Technician for Local Television News Productions

Kilpatrick & Cody Law Firm, Atlanta, Georgia
Summer Associate - Internship
Employment Offer Upon Graduation from Law School

1986 - 1989
Kilpatrick & Cody Law Firm, Atlanta, Georgia
Attorney - Litigation Section
The firm is currently known as Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton LLP

1986 - Present
Licensed by the State Bar of Georgia to Practice Law

August 7, 1989 - January 10, 2014
United States Department of Justice,
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FBI Academy, Quantico Marine Corps Base, Virginia
Probationary Special Agent

1989 - 2005
FBI, Tampa Division, Sarasota Resident Agency
Special Agent (GS 10 - 13)

1990 - 2012
FBI, Tampa Division, Sarasota Resident Agency
Certified Legal Advisor & Instructor
Collateral Duty

1991 - 2014
FBI, Tampa Division, Sarasota Resident Agency &
Certified Firearms Instructor
Collateral Duty

2005 - 2012
FBI Tampa Division, Sarasota Resident Agency
Supervisory Special Agent (GS14)
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
Panama Express South Strike Force

FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Latin American & Southwest Border Threat Section
Supervisory Special Agent (GS 14)
Detailed to Panama Express South Strike Force for
Special Projects Development

2012 - 2014
FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Transnational Organized Crime - Western Hemisphere Section
Liaison (GS 15)
United States Department of Defense, Southern Command
Joint Interagency Task Force South
Naval Air Station, Truman Annex
Key West, Florida

Jeffery A. Adams

An Integrated Investigations Security and Logistics Firm
2253 Sarasota Center Boulevard
Sarasota, Florida 34240

(941) 379-4275 Office
(941) 378-4275 Facsimile
(941) 730-0009 Cellular

Jeff was born in Northern California near San Francisco, but was raised in South Florida and the Florida Keys.

1976 Graduated from Coral Shores High School, Tavernier, Florida
1981 Florida State University, B.S., Economics/Multi-National Business

1982 - 1984
Century Construction Company
Tallahassee, Florida
Field Superintendent

1984 - 1987
Florida Marine Patrol, Florida Keys
Law Enforcement Officer & Certified Vessel Captain

United States Customs Service
Blue Lightning
Cross Designation for State Law Enforcement Officers to
Enforce United States Title 21 Drug Laws

Florida Marine Patrol, Florida Keys
Certified Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Operator
Collateral Duty

United States Customs Service Academy
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glenco, Georgia
Probationary Criminal Investigator

1987 - 1989
United States Customs Service
Miami Field Division
Criminal Investigator & Certified Vessel Captain

1989 - 1994
United States Customs Service
Tampa Field Division, Sarasota-Bradenton Resident Office
Special Agent (GS 10 - 12)

1990 - 2001
United States Customs Service
Tampa Field Division, Sarasota-Bradenton Resident Office
Co-Founder & Operator USCS Tampa Special Response Team
USCS Equivalent to SWAT - Collateral Duty

1991 - 2000
United States Customs Service
Tampa Field Division, Sarasota-Bradenton Resident Office
Certified Undercover Agent
Collateral Duty

1994 - 2008
US Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Tampa Field Division, Sarasota-Bradenton Resident Office
Senior Special Agent (GS 13)

2008 - 2009
US Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Tampa Field Division, Sarasota-Bradenton Resident Office
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
Panama Express South Strike Force
Group Supervisor (GS 14)

2009 - 2010
L-3/MPRI, Inc.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force, Tikrit, Iraq
US Army 5th Special Forces Group
Law Enforcement Professional

2010 - 2014
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Tampa Division
Special Projects Development

Awards & Commendations

Rod Huff and Jeff Adams were blessed with the most fulfilling and exciting law enforcement careers possible.
Neither ever imagined their journeys would take them so far, allow them to serve with such talented and impassioned colleagues, experience such great triumphs - and occasionally suffer through great loss.
We are truly humbled and honored to have had the opportunity to serve.

Throughout our careers we investigated all types of nefarious characters and their criminal enterprises - many times to a successful conclusion.
We defined success in terms of the disruption of our subjects' illegal operations and the dismantlement of their criminal organizations. Occasionally, when the job was done, our law enforcement agencies or other entities with aligned interests and missions recognized our efforts with an award or commendation. Those kind gestures were always appreciated and some are noted below. One thought first... Neither Rod nor Jeff ever worked a single investigation without the guidance and support of teams of law enforcement, intelligence and military professionals. So, while we may have accepted the awards or commendations, they were always in recognition of a team effort.

Florida Marine Patrol Commendation for Exceptional Activity
Jeffery A. Adams

FBI Director's Award for Distinguished Service by a New Employee
Rodrick D. Huff

United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida
Outstanding Law Enforcement Agent of the Year - Narcotics
Rodrick D. Huff

Assistant Secretary, United States Department of the Treasury
United States Customs Service Award for a Special Law Enforcement Act
Jeffery A. Adams

United States Department of Justice
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
National Outstanding Achievements Award to Panama Express South Task Force
Rodrick D. Huff & Jeffery A. Adams - Case Agents & Team Members

Certificate of Achievement for Record Cocaine Seizures 2000, 2001 & 2002
Rodrick D. Huff

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
United States Interdiction Committee
Award for Superior Performance in Counter-Drug Intelligence to Panama Express South Strike Force
Rodrick D. Huff & Jeffery A. Adams, Case Agents & Team Members

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
"Drug Czar"
Team Award for Distinguished Service to Panama Express
Rodrick D. Huff & Jeffery A. Adams, Leaders & Team Members

United States Department of Justice
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
National Asset Forfeiture Award to Panama Express South Strike Force
Rodrick D. Huff & Jeffery A. Adams - Leaders & Team Members

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
United States Interdiction Committee
Award for Superior Intelligence Support to Panama Express South Strike Force
Rodrick D. Huff & Jeffery A. Adams, Leaders & Team Members

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
"Drug Czar"
Individual Award for Distinguished Service
Jeffery A. Adams

United States Department of Homeland Security
Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
Meritorious Public Service Award
Jeffery A. Adams

United States Department of Defense, Southern Command
Joint Interagency Task Force South
Joint Civilian Service Award for Exceptionally Meritorious Service
Jeffery A. Adams

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
United States Interdiction Committee
Award for Superior Performance - Intelligence to Panama Express South Strike Force
Rodrick D. Huff, Leader & Team Member

United States Department of Defense, Southern Command
Joint Interagency Task Force South
Joint Civilian Service Award for Exceptionally Meritorious Service
Rodrick D. Huff

Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Office of the President of the United States
"Drug Czar"
Individual Award for Distinguished Service
Rodrick D. Huff

Kind words of wisdom have come our way, and we wish to send them right back out to all of our former colleagues.

"To the extent that we are the sum of the experiences we have had and the people we have known,
you should know that you have been a part of whatever success I have achieved in my professional career
and I thank you for that."

Admiral Thad W. Allen
Commandant, United States Coast Guard

Contact i2SL today to discuss any matter, issue or problem with which you may need assistance.
Our initial consultations are always without charge, condition or expectation.