Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 379-i2SL (4275)
(941) 378-i2SL (4275)
Licensed & Insured
FL. Lic. # A-1300038
FL. Lic. # B-1300223

but, by far, the most important is the quality and character
of the primary investigator.
At i2SL our core competency is conducting investigations. Extensive training by the FBI, US Customs Service and other US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, combined with twenty-five years of varied investigative experiences throughout the world, has prepared i2SL principals to serve our clients honorably and effectively. Our team members have personally conducted and directed hundreds of investigations - from security background investigations to complex, multi-party, multi-jurisdiction criminal enterprise investigations.
We are highly skilled, creative, reliable and discreet. i2SL investigators carefully plan and execute investigations to safely achieve maximum impact while respecting well defined legal and ethical boundaries. We identify our clients' objectives, assess our ability to achieve positive results, create an investigative plan appropriately scaled and resourced and, when authorized by our clients, execute the plan while remaining flexible and adaptable. Rarely do investigations proceed as scripted; they evolve, often in unforeseen ways. i2SL investigators remain vigilant as they proceed, react cautiously to unforeseen developments or events, assess investigative results, and constantly reassess investigative objectives, direction and methods.
We are determined to remain synchronized with our clients and their representatives.
Our clients need to know the character of those individuals with whom they or their families are interacting or with whom they are conducting business.
Why? Because, timely acquired knowledge is critical to good decision making and effective risk and threat management.
In our former law enforcement careers we had a simple but effective rule… “Know before you go”.
i2SL background investigations will provide you with an edge - information and analysis -that you can use
to protect yourself, your families, businesses, operations and information.
i2SL will tailor all background investigations to our clients’ needs, from cursory to comprehensive.
We will produce positive results on a schedule required by our clients.
Each i2SL background investigation is unique. Information available varies case to case, and is subject to limitation by state and federal laws.
- Name & Personal Identifiers
- Citizenship
- Residential History
- Marital Status
- Family, Friends & Associates
- Adversaries - Real or Potential
- Educational Background
- Specialized Training & Qualifications
- Employment History & Business Associations
- Financial Stability & Credibility
- Assets - Real & Personal
- Criminal History
- Criminal Activity
- Civil Litigation History
- Professional or Regulatory Discipline
- Social Media Profile & Online Activity
- Telephone History & Associations
- Vehicle Ownership & Driving History
- Political Affiliations & History
- Religious Affiliation
- Community Activity & Organizations
- Avocations & Other Interests
- General State of Health & Wellness
- Pattern of Life
- Extreme Views & Bias
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse
- False Claims of Achievement, Association or Capability
- Threat Profile
From 1985 to 1989, prior to joining the FBI, he interned and then practiced law as a litigation associate with the firm Kilpatrick & Cody,
now Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, in Atlanta, Georgia.
combined with nearly 25 years of investigative experience with the FBI,
provide i2SL clients with a uniquely qualified investigator absolutely committed to supporting their causes.
He will personally conduct or direct all investigations of matters that may result in litigation or already are in litigation.
He will also carefully train and guide his i2SL colleagues as they provide investigative support
in matters involving civil and criminal litigation.
Clearly defined objectives and investigative methods will be discussed and cleared in advance of action
to protect the interests and litigation positions of all i2SL clients.
i2SL will never jeopardize our clients or their cases by utilizing questionable, immoral or unlawful investigative techniques.
- Fraud, Embezzlement & Theft
- Misconduct by Directors, Officers & Employees
- Labor & Employment Disputes
- Intellectual Property Theft, Including Copyright, Patent & Trademark Infringement
- Unauthorized Access, Compromise & Destruction of Information Management Systems
- Unauthorized Interception of Communications
- Contract Violations & Performance Issues
- Tortious Interference with Business
- Regulatory Disputes
- Personal Injury & Product Liability
- Libel & Slander
litigation and will look for opportunities to assist those whose lives, rights or property have been wrongfully impacted by the
negligent, purposeful or criminal actions of others.
domestic or family litigation.
and prosecution authorities.
We have extensive experience in this regard.
Our initial consultations are always without charge, condition or expectation.
designed to accomplish their specific business objectives.
We understand that our clients are results driven. We are too.
We understand and respect business deadlines.
And, we want to build lasting business relationships by providing exceptional services and products.
We will provide you with timely investigative results and products that are comprehensive, detailed and useful.
What i2SL will never do is jeopardize your business or enterprise
by utilizing questionable, immoral or unlawful investigative techniques.
i2SL Business Support and Investigations Include the Following